Seeking Model-Based Testing Tool Recommendations for Web and Mobile App with JS Selenium Integration

Hello Ministry of Testing community,

I am currently working on a React Native web and mobile app project, and I am exploring options for model-based testing tools that can seamlessly integrate with our existing JavaScript Selenium end-to-end testing environment.

My specific requirements for the tool are as follows:

  1. Generates unit test cases for React Native web and mobile applications.
  2. Supports visual testing that can be implemented with Selenium using JavaScript.
  3. Provides API testing and integration test capabilities.
  4. Easily integrates with our existing JavaScript Selenium end-to-end testing project.

I’ve looked into several tools such as fMBT, Conformiq Creator, Tricentis Tosca, and Modbat, among others. However, I would like to gather input and recommendations from the experienced members of this community.

If you have used or are familiar with any model-based testing tools that meet the above criteria or have insights on how to integrate these tools effectively, I would greatly appreciate your suggestions and advice. Also, if you have any resources or tutorials that can help with learning these tools, please feel free to share them.

Thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing your recommendations and experiences with model-based testing tools for React Native web and mobile app projects!

Best regards,


Hi Hamza,
I’m Anne, ISTQB MBT trainer and working on the topic for quite some years now. Let me see whether I understood you correctly.

  1. You are looking for a test case generator that produces JavaScript Selenium tests for web and mobile applications. This was probably not the problem.
  2. You also want to cover both unit and integration tests. This is more tricky. Most MBT tools aim at system and acceptance test level, because this is where the model is most beneficial. Of course, you can have state machines for unit testing, but those are rather specific. Can you tell us, why (and how) you want to use MBT for UT, please?
  3. You want to integrate the MBT tool into your existing testing project (I understand “existing tool chain”). From my experience, there are two type of MBT tools. Either, they are part of some test automation framework they integrate with. If you do not have the framework, there is no integration. Or, they are completely open and even if they do not have the integration yet, it is easy to produce one. It mainly depends on the tool you want to integrate with? But what do you mean exactly by “effective integration”?


As I’m working in the testing industry for the last 3 years I can recommend based on your requirement that you can ask for or get free counseling by Automation Testing Company Testrig Technologies

Moderators Edit: Shubhankar Nagpure is a Digitial Marketing Executive at Testrig, hence the recommendation. There are other service providers available.