Survey about automation testers where you work

Hi there,

I am doing a talk next month in Leeds about transitioning from mostly manual testing into roles with increased levels of automation. I’d love to gather some genuine information on the organisational structure of automation teams, and some advice from people hiring automation testers as all I have to go on at the moment is anecdotal.

Please take 30 seconds to fill in this multiple choice survey - I’d massively appreciate it and will happily share the results once they’re in.

The deadline for filling in the survey is 14th November.



Thanks so much for your feedback so far - getting some really interesting results which I know lots of folks will find really useful.

The survey is anonymous if you wish, so I’d encourage anyone reading this to take 3 minutes to fill it in, I’d be super grateful.

Many Thanks,

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And the results are in!

40 people responded, and the results are really interesting! For example, most companies employ experienced senior test automation/developers to build, design and improve the framework, augmented by a team of less experienced testers to maintain it. The reality of how most organisations work presents more opportunities for those getting into automation than you might think.

Have a look at the detail here, and thanks to those who contributed!

Automation Testing Survey

Survey dated Nov 2019 for 40 respondents working at Yorkshire companies on all things automation testing.
