What is Agile?
- A chance to Retro
- An Approach
- Scrum
- Tool Box Of Techniques
- Incremental
- Iterate
- Story Points
- Group Effort
- Small Teams
- Show & Tell - Demo
- Multi - Disciplinary Teams
Goals of Agile
- Flexibility
- Change Flow of Work when needed.
- Fast Feedback
- Speedy Delivery
- Fail Fast & Learn From It
- MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- POC (Proof Of Concept)
Challenges of Agile
- Some ceremonies are dropped off due to time
- Estimations
- Miss the big picture
- Speed - Pressure to deliver
- Extra Meetings
- Iterative - Hard to break tasks down
- The thought of having to abide by the Agile process 100%
- Communication across Scrum teams in the business
- Continuous Integration
- Regression Testing
- Testing left to the end
- Cutting Corners
Attendees Experience
- Can be chaotic (In the begining)
- Power in “our” hands
- Autonomy
- Spikes as Learning
- Swarm for testing tasks
Agile Manifesto
INVEST Mnemonic
Testing Quadrants
Agile Testing
Theory of Constraints
One Page Test Plan