TestBash Brighton 2020 Meetups & Activities

TestBash Brighton is almost upon us! As with all TestBashes, there will be many social events taking place across the week to help you get to network with everyone descending on Brighton :grin:

Stay tuned to this thread as we’ll update with other meetups and activities as we finalise details.


We have a meetup on the sea front in OhSo Social. RSVP on meetup if you’re going to join us :slight_smile:


We have a meetup extravaganza happening on Thursday! Check out all of the details over on meetup. If you want to attend any of the activities listed on the meetup page, please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers. It’s all happening in the conference venue so you won’t have far to go.


As is TestBash Brighton tradition, there will be a Pre-TestBash Run. If you want to start the day off with a run, sign up on meetup so we know how many people the lead runner needs to wait for :running_man:

We’ll wrap up a stellar week with our Post TestBash Social. Keep an eye on the meetup page for details we’ll be releasing soon. For now, RSVP so we know how many to expect and we’ll see you downstairs in the conference venue to wrap up the week.