@rosseter we’ve been able to join a beta program that will enable captions on the sessions we don’t already have them on, namely the Panels, Live Coaching Bug Hunt and Q&As after the talks. Hope this helps
@kentfield HTML the text based schedule is here TestBash Home: Text Schedule @andrea maybe this also helps with your request?
@lgibbs if you’re specifically after the sponsors Demos, those will be:
- TestRail at 11:15 pm on April 30th and 2:15pm May 1st (UK time)
- Sauce Labs at 9:55 am on May 1st (UK time)
- BrowserStack at 4:20 pm on May 1st (UK time)
- Testim at 6:15 pm on May 1st (UK time)
The other Demo slots will be useful how to’s for The Club and Ministry of Testing website.
@lsauce all ticket holders will have access to the recordings from the event (it will take a while to get them onto the website but you will have access). You only need a Pro account if you didn’t buy a ticket to attend and want to catch up with them.
@alexh yes you need the free version of Crowdcast to attend the event live. You won’t need a free trial or to pay for the use of Crowdcast, you just need the basic level account.