TestBash New Zealand 2019: Everything You Need to Know

Our first TestBash New Zealand is nearly here! To help you prepare, we’ve put all the information you’ll need in this Club post.


For TestBash, we’ll be in Te Papa Museum in Wellington. For Automation in Testing, we’ll be in Kumutoto Function Venue.

Note that in Te Papa, you cannot walk through the venue with coffee, it is a museum :slight_smile:

Registration Times

Registration is compulsory for all attendees. You don’t need to have your ticket printed but please have it downloaded to your phone so that we can quickly scan the QR code to get you checked in.


We will have tea, coffee and lean coffee starting from 8:05am. Lean Coffee is an excellent chance to get to meet other attendees and discuss ideas before the conference starts. Arrive early to allow for more idea exchanging :slight_smile:

Automation in Testing

Tea and coffee will be available from 8:30am, so we suggest you arrive around that time so you have time to get settled in with a drink before the workshop starts.

Conference Schedule

This will not be printed so you will need to download it.
TestBash NZ 2019 Schedule.pdf (67.2 KB)

Dietary Requirements

If you have any dietary requirements that you did not let us know at the time of booking, please email newzealand@ministryoftesting.com.


The meetups are a great opportunity to continue conversations from the day or relax with fellow testers. You do not need a ticket to the conference or workshops to attend the meetups but please RSVP on Meetup if you plan to attend.

I’m super excited to attend the first TestBash NZ with my gift ticket from MoT. Look forward to seeing you all in October :blush:

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