Understanding Mobile Device Fragmentation - Masterclass Further Discussion

Tonights Masterclass “Understanding Mobile Device Fragmentation” with @pwicherski is excellently timed, I had just been asked if we would be able to have more events about mobile testing :grin:

As always, a recording of the masterclass will be available to Pro Dojo members in the masterclass section.

Having worked in a company where our site had to be available across a number of different devices. I was particularly interested in “choose right devices to test on”. This is something I have definitely struggled with in the past!

If we didn’t get to your questions tonight or you’d like to continue the conversation, why not ask them here?

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Found a nice place for looking up specific devices by feature :slight_smile:



Thanks for this, it’s excellent!

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I wasn’t really active in the MoT Discourse back then :calling:

If anyone has any questions connected with the topic, feel free to ping me or create a topic on the forum with a mobile-testing tag. I am basically following only this tag.