Were you directly impacted by the Crowdstrike bug?

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  • Yes
  • No
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I’m using a Mac…
Haven’t head that my Windows using colleagues were affected either.

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Not impacted and support team has not flagged any direct customer impact which is more interesting.

I’m on windows.

I did find some of the discussions on it interesting, in particular two areas.

  1. That the blue screen is a failsafe in itself, potentially prevented much greater harm.

  2. Kernel access
    I’m not as knowledgeable as I should be at this layer. My assumption is its very restricted which is why we don’t see that blue screen at this level very often.

Questions in my head.
What other companies have kernel access, is this something microsoft needs to actively give to specific companies access to?
Is it security company specific?

Do normal testing practices that apply to apps apply or does the kernel access create a different set of its own rules that perhaps a lot of the discussions miss out on?

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I am a little surprised that companies with mission critical needs automatically accept updates - my company doesn’t. I am of course super surprised with CrowdSource not checking their updates before they go out. This has to go against their core value of protecting people’s software. It is going to be hard for them to regain the trust of their customers.

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I’m was not affected personally, not just because I use a Mac, but Windows users at my company didn’t get caught up in it either.

I would be interested to know how it got resolved, the little bits I have read suggested applying fixes remotely were a non-starter and work arounds involved safe-mode boots and registry changes (simple enough if you are used to it, but not everyone is).