What is the difference between SAT & UAT?


I am fairly new to testing and have come across SAT and UAT. Could someone advise me please if they are the same thing? or different. From reading up it appears that SAT is tests that are ran on the customers site, but to me that is the same as what User Acceptance (UAT) testing is as that is usually done with the customer on site?


Hi Scott,

You seem to get it right. :slight_smile: sometimes they are synomous, sometimes they are different. SAT is probably more an engineering term, while UAT is more from software. But there is no universal truth to these terms, decide in your team what you call things. Im currently doing a project where we have both. :man_shrugging:

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Hi Jesper,

Thanks for getting back to me and explaining this. It is a bit confusing having both terms which are the same/similar on a project so i am just going to go with UAT for future projects

Thanks again

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SAT and UAT both contain similar content based on the customer, which we refer to by two names. I have prepared documents for both.