What key metrics do you use to keep track of speed and quality?

Jitesh Gosai (@jitgo) spoke at TestBash UK 2023 about speed and quality. He shared how to use DORA metrics and ways to identify bottlenecks to speed and quality plus more!

A group of people in a conference workshop setting. There are people gathered around a table. They are smiling. There is a man standing around the table instructing the participants

So we invite you to watch this talk and use this Club thread to:

  • Share what you’d like to apply or have already applied at work
  • Open a discussion about what you’ve learned
  • Share your appreciation for Jitesh
  • Ask a question

:bulb: You don’t have to watch the entire talk if you don’t have time. Skip ahead to one of these concepts. And then come back to others later:

2m 6s - Working hard or work is hard to do?
3m 6s - How do you close the quality gap?
5m 7s - Creating a culture of quality
6m 7s - Working smarter not harder
7m 7s - Learning from failure and support from leadership
8m 25s - Default ways of working
9m 40s - How do we work smarter?
11m 31s - What does speed and quality mean?
12m 29s - The 4 key DORA metrics
12m 56s - Metrics as questions
14m 35s - Working smarter with the 4 key metrics
15m 28s - How to get started
17m 16s - Theory of Constraints
20m 46s - Are we now working smarter?
21m 33s - Metics in tension
22m 19s - What is working harder and working smarter?
24m 25s - How are you working towards continuous improvements?

:film_projector: Watch “Speed vs Quality: Can You Have Both?”

:information_source: This talk is available to watch with a Pro Membership

How about you? Are you used to staying late at work to get ‘things done’? Have you used the Theory of Constraints? How do you focus on the long term when the short term feels compromised? What key metrics do you use to keep track of speed and quality?

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Can these types of thread be labeled with [PRO only]?
I don’t have access to the video so can’t comment on it.

Is the conversation about Speed and Quality of Testing or of Engineering and Product/Project Quality Management?


I don’t think I can answer your question with one or the other, @ipstefan. The talks centres around processes and reframes a “working harder” approach to a “working smarter” approach. It includes some examples of what that looks like.

Nice idea to label a post “Pro Only” if it’s only available for Pro Members. Will ponder that some more.