What makes a tool a testing tool? – 30 Days of Tools, Day 2

Day 2

What’s your definition of a testing tool?

I like the Michael Bolton definition of testing - that testing is about uncovering risk to the completion of the project, or risk to the ongoing success of the product. (I’m probably butchering the quote there, but it was something like that.)

So, I’d define anything that helps uncover those risks, as a testing tool. I think that covers a wide range of tools. Automation, IDEs, Source Control tools, CI/CD tools, browsers, hardware, most anything.

How do you know it’s a testing tool? (and…) What things help you decide if a tool is not a testing tool?

I struggle with these questions because I don’t think it bothers me if something is a ‘testing tool’ or not.
If I’m using it for my job as a tester, I guess it’s a testing tool.