30 Days of Agile Testing - Day 14: Delivering greater value to customers

The 30 Days of Agile Testing Day 14 task is:

Contribute to The Club discussion about how we can deliver greater value to our customer

How can we deliver greater value to our customer(s)?

Hi! I want to build a better user guide documentation without spending a lot of time. Sometimes the PO ask me if I can take pictures during my test for the documentation, like the changelog. I can be more proactive and do it without solicitation. As a tester I really understand how does the product work, so during exploratory testing I can take few pictures or video in order to use it.

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Hi, I would like to share my opinion how to deliver greater value to our customers, we can determine if there is a problem in the product or not that may threat the value of the product before delivering to the customers. We can contribute to the product problems as a tester.

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I would definitely say to push for non-functional testing. It’s great to test the functionality of the feature, however we need to make sure that the feature is user friendly and performing well in different environments


Testers can really contribute the most value by advocating adequate time and resources to properly execute testing. If there is enough quality testing work done on a product the assurance of quality will be greater.

In my opinion, best way to increase the quality of any product is the true communication and collabration in every step of development. Customer and the team should be in contact and give rapid feedbacks to each other about the progress, same goes for product owner and the team and finally between developer and the tester. They should encourage each other about finding bugs or eleminating defects.

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Such a good way of framing a super helpful approach. Thanks for sharing, @yigitcilce.

If you’re open to sharing, what are some of the obstacles to achieving such communication and collaboration? And what are some of the ways you’ve overcome them?

Thanks for the comment Simon. Before pointing out some topics, I think communication and problem solving is a cycle. If there is miscommunication or poor commucation in the team it’ll result as a problem eventually. If there is a problem it can be solved by good communcation and willingness.

  • Heavy work-load is what I’ve encountered. I’ve tried to talk to the manager about it and how it effected me(as tester) and developer but we couldnt communicate very well. Eventually due to heavy work-load me and the developer become silent about tasks, we were less collabrative and happy to work in pairs. At some point, manager understood our problems and lessen our work-load and day by day our communication & collabration increased which result in a better product.

Sometimes communication is interpreted as only verbal but I believe it is more than it.

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