30 Days of API Testing Day 5: Publicly Available APIs to Practice API Testing

30 Days of API Testing Day 5 challenge is:

Contribute to the list of publicly available APIs over on The Club, that we can utilise to practice API testing.

We have a generic Club post about products and sites to practice testing on that does contain some publicly available APIs to practice testing on

Our resources section on the Dojo only contains 4 API specific practice products

Perhaps you have more that you would like to share?


Wiremock is something we’ve started using at work for mocking external services on our development servers. It can double as a playground for learning API testing.

You don’t need to learn any programming to use it either. It can all be done through JSON files. I may look at putting together a sample project at some point, to get people going.

It’s also free, and can be run locally on your own computer.


Hi - I found a great list on this website https://www.programmableweb.com/category/all/apis?keyword=publicly%20available%20APIs


Open Yandex translate api.
Good service for testers to understand how api works.

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One of the resource I found is https://reqres.in/. This lists common methods and readily available data to get hands on. GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE verbs are given.

These can be used with Postman or cURL e.g. GET https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2 in Postman shall give you something like

“page”: 2,
“per_page”: 3,
“total”: 12,
“total_pages”: 4,
“data”: [
“id”: 4,
“first_name”: “Eve”,


Here are a couple resources I’ve used:
FakeJSON - An API to mock responses and/or get fake data
OMDB - An open API to get movie information


https://automationintesting.online has multiple APIs that work with one another to build our testers playground application. Check it out if you want to work with complex API calls that share data from one and other OR just access the swagger documents and have a play!


I found this

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Here’s one link with SOAP API for kind of online banking app:

And off-topic, there is also GUI application from the same source that might come handy:


WireMock is a good example

Awesome, it’s so hard to find a SOAP API to practice on! Thanks @lada.flac :slight_smile:

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I recently found this simple employee API for testing

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@lada.flac good resource but I’m getting some soap error returned. Can you share a working example of calling one of the services please?

Request headers
Request body

I will try later today and let you know. I remember for sure that at least findAllUsers was working fine.
Which one did you try?

Added Twilio to the list:

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I’m surprised no one mentioned this already: there’s a Pokemon API you can test out with.

There’s good amount of documentation and a place to practice with.


Hi Luke, I posted my test results here: 30 Days of API Testing Day 7: Complete Exercise 1 - #4 by lada.flac
The requests are successful. I generated them from wsdl using SoapUI, I just had to replace the question marks with actual values.

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Awesome stuff, thanks @lada.flac

I use JSON Server to create fake REST API to practice. It is very easy to install, use and can practice on your local machine (does not depend on any public sites).


Below is to practice api testing available online with some good documentation.