30 Days Of Ecommerce Testing Day 9: Tools

Day 9 of 30 days of ecommerce testing is:

Share your three favourite tools for testing ecommerce products on The Club

I’ve not gotten the opportunity to properly test any ecommerce sites myself so I can’t offer any tools myself. I’m hoping the community inspires me :sweat_smile:

What are you three favourite tools for testing ecommerce products?


Same here :frowning:

Perhaps webdriver, appium or something like this? Both suits for ecommerce applications too.

I’m wondering if this one from SauceLabs might inspire?


I will admit, I completely forgot about logging/monitoring tools which I would guess are of huge importance in this area.

I can think of

  1. Some performance testing tools like Jmeter etc. to monitor load at the time of sale/clearance/offers.
  2. Security testing tool like Burrp suite to test for security related stuff like SQL injections etc.
  3. Usability testing tools- may be something for responsive design like browserstack

Talked about:
New Relic monitoring
BugMagnet for data input
Chrome Dev tools for responsive testing and throttling,

Mentioned a couple of others that I’m interested in but don’t know enough about.


my reference list:

  • Chrome Dev Tools, in particular ChroPath plugin
  • Any derived tool based on Selenium (e.g. Katalon plugin for Firefox)
  • For performance test Apache JMeter

In case that I need a Cloud testing solution I adopt Blazemeter where I can reuse both Selenium and JMeter test case.



Hi, I also have no knowledge in testing ecommerce-sites and no intensive experience in test-tools, but i think “Selenium Webdriver” for GUI and “Apache JMeter” for performance are suitable.
Also you should use a tool so that you can test what happens if thousands of customers access the shop and make an order at the same time. (I don’t know if JMeter covers this)

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Yes JMeter provide facilities to simulate hundreds of customer access in concurrent manner.

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I also think of the same tools that you mentioned already – Selenium for GUI, JMeter for performance, EndTest/Saucelabs for cross browser testing.

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I would say:

  • GUI : Selenium + Framework, Selenium IDE, RobotFrameWork
  • Performance/Load/Stress testing: Locust, Jmeter, Blazemeter or Taurus
  • Responsiveness : Galen Framework, Appium or Saucelabs/ Crossbrowser testing as an external provider

Thanks for your hints.
There ist a website listing some tools clustered by category:
Maybe it’s helpful for newbies (not only :wink:) to get an overview of tools.


Off the top of my head I would also name:

  • performance tools such as JMeter
  • API tools, if interfacing with other systems that expose an API
  • accessibility tools (may be required e.g. in consumer to administration models where the government body is obliged to ensure that impaired users can also use a service)
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Performance: Jmeter
API testing: Postman
Browser: Bug magnet and Chrome Dev tools (spend a lot of time on the console and network tabs :smile: )

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Since I haven’t done any e-commerce testing, I can’t legitimately list any favorite tools, except perhaps to say:

  1. Of course, Selenium, which I am just now learning
  2. Any tool that I want to make in Python, because Python is awesome and can automate anything.
  3. The 3 pounds of squishy matter I carry around inside my skull, which is marvelously adaptable, does processing in parallel, and is even quite scalable, but which comes with a rather high overhead and maintenance costs.

No idea of tools for ecommerce testing, since manual testing lifelong :slight_smile:

I think lots of the tools us ‘non-ecommerce’ testers use would be just as valuable for ecommerce!
My thoughts:

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Day 9 from Twitter:

  • Postman for API testing
  • Chrome Web Developer extension for clearing/manipulating cookies
  • Browserstack for cross-browser testing
  • A VPN for locale-specific testing
  • Google DevTools + Lighthouse Audits
  • Back-end performance monitoring using Newrelic APM
  • Front-end performance monitoring using Sitespeed
  • Error tracking using Sentry
  • Screen capture tool that can do videos
  • Docker for ensuring a clean testing environment
  • Google analytics debugger
  • BugMagnet for complex user inputs

Chrome dev tool is the best

What I used:

  • Firebug (I think now is no longer an active tool)
  • Selenium IDE (for the beginners in automation as myself)
  • Chrome Dev tools
  • Photoshop (for designs received)
  • EditThisCookie (for deleting or changing cookies in site)
  • CSSViewer (provides info about the UI elements in a page)
  • Wasp Inspector for analytics
  • LinkMiner - identifier of broken links
  • Browserstack and real devices for mobile testing
  • Postman for API requests

and a lot more, but it takes me a day to write them down :smile: