Advance selenium Tester

Here are a few key points we need to understand so that you sound like a year-long Selenium automated tester with expertise to match.

  1. Selenium Web Driver:
    Familiarity with Selenium WebDriver, a widely used web browser automation tool. Understand the basics of setting up and configuring her WebDriver in various browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

  2. Programming language:
    Knowledge of programming languages ​​used for Selenium scripts, such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby. Understand concepts such as variables, loops, conditions, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles.

  3. Test Framework:
    Knowledge of common testing frameworks (such as TestNG and JUnit) used by Selenium for structuring and organizing test scripts, managing test data, and generating reports. Understand how to create test cases and test suites, and how to handle assertions.

Four. Element identification:
Knowledge of finding and manipulating web elements using various methods such as XPath, CSS selectors, and ID attributes. Understand the importance of using well-defined and stable locators for reliable automation scripts.

  1. Test data management:
    Ability to effectively process test data, including techniques such as data-driven testing and parameterization. Learn how to read data from external sources such as Excel, CSV files, databases, and create reusable test scripts. 6. Test execution and reporting:
    Understand how to run test scripts, analyze test results, and generate reports. Familiarity with logging frameworks such as log4j and logback for capturing detailed logs during test execution.

  2. Test automation framework:
    Familiarity with automation frameworks such as Page Object Model (POM) and Page Factories to improve maintainability, readability, and reusability of test scripts. Understand the benefits of separating test logic and page objects.

  3. Version control:
    Familiarity with version control systems such as Git for managing test scripts, collaborating with team members, and tracking changes. Understand basic Git commands such as commit, push, pull, and branch management.

  4. Test management tools:
    Handling test management tools such as JIRA, TestRail and Zephyr for test case management, issue tracking and reporting. Learn how to integrate test automation results with these tools for seamless reporting.

  5. Troubleshooting and troubleshooting:
    Ability to identify and resolve problems encountered during test script development or execution. Familiarity with tools such as browser developer tools, IDE debuggers, and logging frameworks for diagnostics and troubleshooting. Note that theoretical knowledge alone may not be enough. Hands-on experience and practice with Selenium and test automation projects is critical to truly gaining expertise and proficiency as an automation tester.


Welcome to MoT @squad

Thanks for sharing! If people have a lot of Selenium knowledge on their resumes. I tend to ask the question: what’s the difference between an assert & verify? I often get shocking answers to that :smiley:


Hello and welcome!

I like your list, all things important to working with Selenium and several tools like it. I would like to, if I may be so bold, append something like this:

  1. Testing:
    Ability to evaluate a product through experimentation to help clients make informed decisions, including the correct, effective and responsible use of tools like Selenium and how to leverage their strength and mitigate their weakness in the wider test strategy.

And now not only can we use the tool well we can use it to do great things!


point 6 appears to be repeated, I think the first point that got eaten by point #5 is probably the biggest time eater, having reports that help you spot areas of duplciation, and help you traige system problems quickly are vital.

Good list. Extensive, but good.

Love this reply!

The actual testing (and the skilful activities within) does tend to get forgotten versus the challenges and achievements of the many technical tasks that an automation-in-testing project demands, to achieve the points 1 to 9 made in the original (and very good) article.