Agile Testing: Order to read the chapters in

So I recently started reading Agile Testing (Crispin & Gregory) and was planning to just go through it chapter by chapter from the start to the end - you know, like other books. But I keep seeing lil things in the margin saying “read more about this topic in chapter n” and it got me wondering, is there an alt order for reading the book?

Like, if your goal is x then read in the order 1,2,3,7,8,9,4,5,6
If your goal is y then read in the order 1,2,3,4,7,8,6,5,9

If not, does anyone who read it have a recommendation for where to go to get value from day 1? I’m not sure that I will have time to read all of this book in the next few weeks, so would like to do it in small iterations that each deliver value (see what I did there? hehe)

Also, I got a little desk shelf thing for holding all the books and general tat that had been cluttering up my desk as loose mess, and now everything is gloriously tidy.


Thanks, that was really helpful.

How’s it going? Did you manage to to learn from the book @undevelopedbruce? I haven’t read it myself so it would be good to hear how you did and whether you read it in a specific order.


I ended up going chronologically though I didn’t finish it that way. I’d recommend reading Agile Testing Condensed first, because it covers the same topics but well, more condensed. Then you can decide what topic you wanna deep dive into a bit and find those sections in the larger book. That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing, using Condensed almost as a taster book to find out what I want to learn more about. xD I hope that helps.

Cool, I will check out Condensed and if I find it valuable then I will jump on the real thing.

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