There are many websites available, depending on what you like to automate.
For example https://ultimateqa.com/dummy-automation-websites/
- SauceDemo.com (web UI)
- ultimateqa.com/automation (web UI)
- RealWorld demo apps (web, React, Angular, Vue, Elm…)
- Restful-Booker (API)
- React shopping cart: https://github.com/nadvolod/react-shopping-cart (React JS)
- ParaBank Bank Site (web, API)
- Telerik Multi Language Demo Site (web UI)
- Dave Haeffner’s Practice Site (web UI)
- PHP Travels: https://www.phptravels.net/ (web UI)
- Mercury Tours (web)
- E-commerce Clothing Site (web)
- Demoqa (web)
- Compendiumdev.co.uk (web)
- Fake Address Book (web UI, API)
- Webdriveruniversity.com (web UI)
- JSONPlaceholder (API)
- HTTPBin.org (API)
- Sample Ecommerce mobile app (Android, iOS)
- ACME Demo Banking (web UI)
I would advise to just setup something for yourself so it doesn’t change over the years.
Suggestion: https://github.com/spring-petclinic
These offer you many different automation strategies: UI , UI with Angularjs, Rest, Rest Microservices, GraphQL, …
I hope you find what you are looking for!
Kind regards