Where can I practice writing tests?

I’m sharpening my skills in a few tools (For now Cypress and Postman, Selenium starting tomorrow) and I wanted to know where I can actually apply my skills in real world scenarios/examples? Something that kind of simulates a “practice test”. I learn best this way.

I hope my question makes sense, thank you in advance and feel free to ask me any questions for clarification!


I think there is a list of websites on the MOT Site where you can practice testing. Until I find that you can check out this article I wrote for this a while ago if you want I have no where to test my automation skills | by Rester Test | Medium


Hey @cocoabunnie,

Mark and I have a site called Restful Booker Platform specifically designed to practice your testing on. It’s a React application with micro-services underneath, perfect for practicing unit tests, API tests, JS level tests, UI tests and even visual tests.

There is also a hosted instance you can use - https://automationintesting.online/


There is also a compiled list here from @automationpanda


For Cypress specifically, there is the Real World App, that is maintained by tye Cypress.io team themselves as a learning tool. Thanks @christovskia for giving me the heads up on this one! I’ve just started to take a look at this today.

There is also this great list from Angie Jones:


Here’s a list of websites to practice on: Any good web site for test automation practice? - #2 by kristof

I personally prefer the pet clinic, since you can fork it and host it locally.


Hi @cocoabunnie,

As well as those already mentioned, we maintain a Wiki list of places to practice testing on at:

(it includes some of those places already mentioned).

Good luck with your practice and keep the questions coming. And feel free to document your journey on The Club. I reckon others new to testing would find it super helpful.

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This site has intentionally placed bugs that you can look for, there should be 25 of them in total:

There are several free software projects that would love critical eyes.

One software that is at the same time fairly complex, but basically understandable is LibreOffice. You can find their testing community and guidelines here.

If you want to work on games, 0 A.D. is a good choice.

Generally speaking, to find places you would like to work on, you can simply think about free software you use or are more interested about and check their communities.