Ask Me Anything Automation Week October 2020 - Vernon Richards

For our final Ask Me Anything session at Test.bash(‘Online’); our usual AMA host @testerfromleic becomes the question answerer :grin:

If you’ve got questions for Vernon for this session, please add them to this thread. Our hosts will go through the questions asked here and ask them to Vernon live :grin:

Remember to :heart: questions that you like to show appreciation for others and help the hosts pick out the most popular questions to ask.

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How important do you think vocabulary and terminology is when it comes to tesing?
Is there any testing vocabulary that you think we should stop using?
Is there any new terminology you’d like to invent/encourage us to use?


What’s been a blocker for you with automation?

What’s your favourite thing about testing?

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?


Tell us something not many people know about you? :smiley:


If you had 1hr to make an assessment on a piece of software you’ve never tested before, how would you use that time?

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How come you are so unbelievably all round awesome and where did you learn to give such excellent hugs? Oh, and what’s the number one test related question you get asked?

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What drew you towards coaching?


If you had to live the rest of your life without either a toothbrush (finger washing allowed) or a smartphone (landline permitted) - which would you choose?


You always do a great job presenting the Ask Me Anything sessions. How does it feel to be the person answering the questions instead of asking them?


How is your Java course with Del coming along?

You’ve worked with a lot of awesome automators, if you could magically give yourself one automation skill overnight, what would it be?


What are your testing ‘pet peeves’?


How do you stay so calm, cool and collected when you’re hosting with all of the distractions and crazy questions that come in?


What’s the one thing in the testing workspace that makes you grumpy?


I setup a github repo, made it private, contributed code, harangued him with supportive emails and in the end, he gave me the rubber ear.

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?

What are the first couple of questions you ask when you start coaching someone?

How do you stay so calm, cool and collected when you’re hosting with all of the distractions and crazy questions that come in?