Autonomous Agents testing mobile apps using LLMs: a reality?

Its almost the end of the year and I was thinking hard about the future, so as I was following some hashtags on Twitter and fell down this rabbithole of the future of testing:

In the last couple of weeks (but who knows how long these things have been in the works for) there have been some really neat advances in AI that have allowed the creation of intelligent agents that can do complex things, on mobile specifically.

A new system using these models lets an agent (not human) control phone apps. This agent can work across many different apps without needing special access - so it’s widely usable and it can explore new apps on its own to figure things out or watch a person use the app and pick up on patterns.

Watch the video and explanation

It’s quite mindblowing how these tools will be able to help us in the future, 2024++!

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