Best practices to report issues for UAT testers that have accessibility issues

Hello everyone,

I’m currently volunteering with an orgainisation that is looking to develop an app which supports visually impaired or totally blind individuals have the freedom to move around and understand what is in there current surroundings .

Has anyone written up a how to guide for bug reporting, that would include visually impaired or totally blind individuals? Is there a best practice in how we should ask them to report the bugs or to support them in how to contact us in doing so?


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I’m assuming when you do UAT testing for an app for visually impaired or blind individuals that it’s those people that are doing the User Acceptance or at least people with similar disabilities.
Probably the easiest for them would be to do audio/video recordings.
And I’d also assume that there are some testers afterward filtering through those recordings and making sense of it all and asking them for extra details if needed.

Hi @ipstefan

I was thinking about asking for video recordings as a method of report and I would be the one that would be filtering through this information to ensure that they made sense.

Just to add as well, I was speaking with an individual who is visually impaired and working in IT for around 20 years. Their thoughts were to ask them to write down their finding via text, as long as we presented them with the template in which they had to present their findings in.