Big Call For Papers - Day 4 - Expanding a single idea

Welcome to the Big Call For Papers!

We’re here to help increase your chances of being selected for one of our 2022 TestBashes.

Get some experience and feedback

With the week almost done, our attention is turned towards picking the idea we want to submit and expanding the idea so we can write our draft abstract next week. For some, this might be obvious what you want to choose, for others you might need a bit more help. That’s why today we’re running a special 99 Second talk session on Crowdcast:

From 8pm to 9pm GMT we’re offering the opportunity for anyone to join and pitch their submission idea to the community and get feedback on it to help you refine your idea further. And of course, give you a boost!

So come along if you want to get some support on your submission.

Today’s activity - Expanding a single idea

First, pick the idea you’re most interested in speaking about. Then create a mind map, using either a mind mapping tool or pen and paper and start expanding out all the different things you could talk about as part of that idea.

Don’t worry about whether it’s too much detail or not, the idea is to get everything onto the page so you have a clearer picture of what to talk about. To help, I’ve shared an old mind map I created for a TestBash talk I gave in New Zealand:

Task Analysis talk.pdf (23.2 KB)

Need help? Want feedback?

If you need extra help be sure to:

And we’ll see how we can help

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