Could someone give feedback about my Selenium implementation?

Hi, how are you? I work with UI test automation for a long time and I still have difficulties while choosing the best design pattern. Page Objects is largely used, but has its limitations. Screenplay and Behave are a good ideas, but they introduce many layers of abstraction. Screenplay in special has lots of actors that distracts me from the test goals. I was thinking in a way to beat these issues, so I wrote a simple framework based on a design pattern I call Page Transactions. It is inspired on the mentioned patterns, but I tried to make is as simple as possible. The idea of this pattern is use objects to represent the actions/transactions we can perform in web pages like Login, Logout, Search or Submit. There is a handler in this framework that takes the transactions and run them. I made it public yesterday and it is still in Beta version. Iโ€™ve had good experiences using it in small to medium projects, but Iโ€™d like the community opinion about it. Iโ€™d appreciate if you could take a look at it and make experiments, comments or questions.
The syntax is, do_something, with_a_parameter=a_value).asserts(it.Matches, ACondition)

Iโ€™ll not post links here to not bother you, so if you think it is interesting for you search for โ€œguaraโ€ in GitHub or PyPi page. You will find it there โ€œPython implementation of the Page Transactions pattern for UI test automation. โ€œ.
Thanks a lot for reading it.

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Hey, Iโ€™d recommend dropping the link to make it easier for people to find, I doubt youโ€™d get any feedback without it.


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Thanks a lot for the reply. Here is the link GitHub - douglasdcm/guara: Python implementation of the Page Transactions pattern for UI test automation.

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