πŸ€– Day 12: Evaluate whether you trust AI to support testing and share your thoughts

Hey there :vulcan_salute:

I read only the links shared on the task, they were very enlightening, and the risks that caught my attention were:

  1. Security Risks
  2. Dependence on AI
  3. Loss of Human Connection

Talking about testing perspective, those are the ones that I think we need to be aware of.
The first for obvious reasons, we need to make sure the system we are testing is secure, so if we add a risk in that perspective we need to think about it too.

The dependence on AI can limit human creativity, at the end of the day, the solutions need to be written by ourselves, even if most of it is extracted of an AI, we need to understand what the result is for us to present as solutions.

And the last one can affect directly our capacity of thinking more test cases :eyes: . Explaining, if we lose human contact and/or connection, we can miss the ability to think as a user, and this can limit our capacity to think about more test cases and some edge cases and the AI still cannot see all the possible cases that a user can do in the system.

And that’s it
See ya :wink: