šŸ¤– Day 29: Share whose work is influencing your AI in testing approach

Throughout this 30 days of AI in Testing journey, youā€™ve been exposed to various concepts, tools, and perspectives related to AI in testing. As we approach the final few tasks, itā€™s time to reflect on the individuals whose work, ideas and interpretations have resonated with you and influenced your thoughts and approach to AI in testing. By sharing whose work or ways of interpreting AI in testing are useful, weā€™ll end up with a useful collection of people to follow and whose work to explore beyond this challenge!

Task Steps:

  1. Reflect and Recognise: Think about the voices that have resonated with you during this challenge. Who has provided insights that opened new paths for thought or application in AI and testing? What tools or ways of working have been the most enlightening? Consider the individuals, researchers, experts, tool developers, or peers whose work has shaped your understanding of AIā€™s role in testing.
  2. Compile Your Influences: Make a list of these individuals and resources. Whether itā€™s an expert with deep insights into AI, a groundbreaking article or book, an innovative tool, or a fellow participant whose contributions have been enlightening, each has added value to your AI in testing journey.
  3. Share and Guide: In your response to this post, highlight your list of influences, consider including a brief description of their contribution and explain how they have shaped your perspective.
  4. Bonus: Did you know that by contributing to any part of this challenge, you will have undoubtedly influenced others in the community? No matter where you are in your AI in testing journey, you will have useful things to share that can help others in the community. Consider committing to continuing to share your AI in testing learnings even after this challenge is over through personal blogging, creating content with us, or other channels.

Why Take Part

  • Curate Valuable Resources: Help others discover valuable resources to continue learning after the challenge and discover new inspirations and knowledge by engaging with peersā€™ influences.
  • Reflect on Personal Growth: Highlighting your influences offers a moment to reflect on how far youā€™ve come, showcasing the progression of your perspectives and approaches to AI in testing.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Take your learning to the next level. Go Pro!


Hello Rosie and fellow testers,

There are many wonderful perspectives put up, but here are my list of top influences:

  • First would be @adrianjr for sure. Summary of his own experience of trying AI tools last year as part of Day-5 challenge really stood out for me. Yeah, we can see AI can do that, can do this, but when you put up in implementation they might not work as you expected, so Adrian post opened up the obstacles he faced as well. Thanks for sharing buddy. Not only this, daily the perspectives :expert: he is sharing are informative.

  • Next would be @parwalrahul, the first thing that strikes our minds is definitely the mind maps. Testing bits, YT contentā€¦ the list goes on to say about Rahul. Keep up the good work Rahul, thanks for sharing :intellectual: all these on the club.

  • Last but not the least, our @manojk. The responses from Manoj on daily challenges would be put up in a great format for easy readability. Specifically, the comparison table of AI tools based on different parameters like efficiency, adaptability, complexity etc. is really worth looking into. Thanks for doing these awesome posts :magician: Manoj.

There are other great voices sharing their opinions as well like @ash_winter @lisa.crispin @mirekdlugosz @joyz and many many more. Thanks to everyone & specifically MoT :mot_logo: team, without you guys this challenge wouldnā€™t have happened.

Special mention :star2: to @billmatthews for his suggestions and being helpful in every stage.


Iā€™ve been in awe of Rahulā€™s mindmaps and YT content during this challenge


Hi my fellow testers, there have been so many interesting and insightful people & posts throughput this challenge over the last month but I think the top highlights that come to mind are:

The first contributer who comes to mind is @poojitha-chandra whose daily posts have never failed to be insightful and particularly the post on Day 7 šŸ¤– Day 7: Research and share prompt engineering techniques - #3 by poojitha-chandra and the suggestions for react prompting and self consistency prompting were ones I never heard of before.

I of course canā€™t not mention @parwalrahul and his awesome mindmaps! They have been such a great way to display such complex topics.

Lastly a post that I found particularly informative was @joyz post on AI mindmaps šŸ¤– Day 6: Explore and share insights on AI testing tools - #45 by joyz, I had no clue that such tools existed and am excited to try some out when I can.

Thank you everyone for your contributions, there has been so much good content of value.


Hello @rosie,

Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to reflect on my learnings and the people who have influenced me.

To start with, I am influenced and impressed by the things and tasks that @billmatthews has crafted for us. As someone who has worked on training testers, I know how much energy and time it takes to create things like this. Especially, the Day 28 task.

I loved my collaborations and discussions with @joyz over prompt engineering and we co-created a checklist together (Prompting Checklist for Testers - Rahulā€™s Testing Titbits)

I also loved the responses from @poojitha-chandra , @ansha_batra , @adrianjr. These were the folks who kept me motivated and engaged throughout the challenge (1 day to go :P).

Thanks a lot for influencing my work. I look forward to more collaborations and work with you folks and the mighty ministry of testing in general.



Day 29

I have a few inspirations.

I remember, a few years ago seeing this talk by Bill Matthews:


Iā€™ve always liked Bill and he has the knack of looking into the future a bit more and spending time on technologies that might be classed as ā€˜speculativeā€™ at the time, but we know differently now!

From Day 4 of this challenge we have Carlos Kidman:


Knowledgeable and calm about AI (will go and see rather than being cynical, like a good tester) I thought this was such a great start to the challenge.

This TEDx Talk from Tanja Vos was also great in terms of future challenges:


A special mention to Mark Winteringhams AI Assisted Testing book, which is a great first go at creating an approach:


In this challenge, I found everyone who had a go at an AI in Testing Manifesto and think there is some wisdom in the crowd there:



Hello @rosie

Throughout the 30 days of AI in Testing journey, several individuals and resources have influenced my perspective on AI in testing.
Here are the ones that have resonated with me the most:

@parwalrahul : daily content and YouTube videos providing detailed descriptions of the daily challenges have been incredibly motivating and insightful. His explanations have helped me understand complex concepts more effectively, opening new paths for thought and application in AI and testing.

@adrianjr : has contributed valuable insights and perspectives on AI in testing, which have broadened my understanding of the subject. His expertise and deep insights have influenced my approach to AI in testing.

@manojk : His insights have challenged my thinking and prompted me to explore new ideas and approaches in the field.

@connmc : whether through resources or insights shared, have played a significant role in shaping my understanding of AIā€™s role in testing. His input has provided valuable guidance and direction in navigating the complexities of AI testing.

With one day left in the challenge, Iā€™m excited to make the most of it and continue exploring the fascinating world of AI in testing!

Thankyou @simon_tomes @rosie for your leadership, this challenge and providing a platform where people can come together to explore and learn and for building and nurturing the MoT community.


Wowā€¦that feels like it was a long time ago! Iā€™d have many more insights if I was doing that talk these days.

Still waiting for companies to start wanting testers with those skills thoughā€¦maybe this is the year :slight_smile:


I am not really one for individual praise as I am a strong believer in Team efforts, and any contribution, big or small, is what makes your Team strong, diverse and durable.
Over the past 4 weeks I have gone from sceptic to someone who sees the benefits of AI in our discipline, with a little sprinkling of scepticism still there :smiley:

I have read a lot of the documents, watched videos and taken part in challenges, and learned something new every day.
However, I would say that where I learned most is from the people in this project, whether the MoT tutors or the rest of you taking part. I think we got lucky to have such diversity in this group so that you get different perspectives.

Judging by the mind maps I would think that @parwalrahul would be an awesome opponent at Battleships :smiley:

Bill hopefully we can keep these channel open as it would be interesting to see how we all move forward with AI.
Sharing experiences, ideas and shortfalls will help us collectively to deliver the best solutions.


I would like to take this chance to thank all the organizers who helped to host this amazing event. Thank you very much the MoT Team! :thank_you: :mot_logo:

Looking back at Day 1, I only knew very limited vocab about AI in testing - AI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Prompt - thatā€™s all. But going through the whole month, although I could not have enough capacity to participate in all challenges, it is really a great journey for myself following the 30 days chain of thoughts of AI in testing.

  • The heat on the first few days was super strong and encouraging. Everyoneā€™s contribution really helped build the learning environment and push me to dedicate daily time to study on the topic.

  • @poojitha-chandra @adrianjr Thank you for the tag! I also appreciate you and a lot of the other enthusiastic fellows giving so many likes and replies to each otherā€™s posts. The positive energy is so nice :thanks:

  • Having the chance to collaborate with @parwalrahul is a very new experience for me, as I am a super introvert who never try to meet new people :sweat_smile: It feels like having a buddy oversea to learn things about testing together. The mind maps, YouTube videos and daily blogs are also very good sharing. I am so glad to meet you through this event :yay:

There were a lot of insightful comments which I could not tag all of them here. But I would like to highlight some of them below:

and moreā€¦

One interesting thing is that I see many of us also use LLM tools to assist in drafting the task replies or doing the research. This practice itself means a lot, of how we as a group of collaborative testers really adopting AI in the field.


Over the last four weeks, ChatGPT became my best friend. (It helped me a lot during this monthā€™s tasks.)
Carlos Kidmanā€™s ā€œAI in Testingā€ video was very good. And (most of) the EuroSTAR Software Testing Crowdcast AI sessions on February 27 were beneficial.
Nevertheless: The only real influence I can think of is our Sr. Test Manager Roger, who is leading ā€œ2024 - The Year of AIā€ in our organization.


Hello everyone

Throughout this 30-day AI in Testing journey , Iā€™ve been immersed in a rich tapestry of concepts, tools, and perspectives related to AI in testing. As I approach the final tasks, I find myself reflecting on the voices that have resonated with me, shaping my understanding and influencing my approach to AI in testing. These individuals, researchers, and peers have illuminated new paths and enriched my journey.

I want to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Testing community. Opting for the challenge was a transformative decision. Each day passed, I was amazed by my fellow achievers and their work shared on the platform. Your insights, questions, and camaraderie have made this journey even more rewarding.

I had used extensively many LLMā€™s throughout my journey for research and below are some top mentions. ChatGPT,Microsof Copilot,GitHub Copilot,Google Gemini.

Some memorable mentions from the community :

@poojitha-chandra @lisboalien @lisa.crispin @adrianjr @joyz @parwalrahul @ansha_batra @mirekdlugosz @ash_winter

They have been phenomenal keeping up with challenge with their own ways of expressing and approaching the day to day activities.

This post from @connmc šŸ¤– Day 16: Evaluate adopting AI for accessibility testing and share your findings - #6 by connmc was for me was truly inspiring and well put.

Thank you everyone who felt somehow i have been helpful in this journey by influencing them. Happy to keep inspiring :slight_smile:

Thank you


I must admit that that the number of messages quickly went beyond my wildest dreams. Early on I decided that I will focus on completing each challenge and writing a post, but I will only skim through other messages - because if I wanted to both write and read, that would take a sizeable chunk of my day :sweat_smile:

I intend to go back and read all the messages that folks have left in following days:

I would like to thank everyone who participated in these threads, and I would like to apologize for not calling out anyone specifically.


I love this checklist from you and @joyz , thank you!


Everyone here has contributed so much to my learning. I hope these pages will be available for a long time because I need to go back and read everything - so far I only had time to skim.

Apart from the many wonderful contributors here, Iā€™d like to list some people Iā€™ve learned lots from over the past year.

@racheljoi started me on this journey, she motivated me to learn over the past year and a bit, and I learned a ton from her as we prepped and delivered our Agile Testing Days workshop on leveraging AI for testing.

@workroomprds (James Lyndsay) facilitated a workshop series last summer, and he and @bart_knaack facilitated several workshops and open spaces at Agile Testing Days 2023. I learned so much about so many different facets of AI - both using it for testing, and testing it! Iā€™m so grateful.

My friend Blaise Pabon also pointed me to a lot of great resources for learning, and we did some pairing on a project he was working on.

@fionaccharles , @isabel-evans , and others tuned me in to the many dangers that come with this technology. Itā€™s scary stuff. I need to keep learning about all the ethical pitfalls, the damage that this industry can inflict on humans in many ways, and helping others be aware of it.

Thanks to Jutta Eckstein, Ines Garcia and others, Iā€™ve gotten a focus on sustainability in our industry. AI obviously has a mind-boggling carbon footprint. (And maybe can help us figure out how to pare down the amount of resources we use for it)

Many thanks to all you wonderful Ministry of Testing bosses and members for creating this awesome learning opportunity. I didnā€™t have time to engage fully, but I still learned a bunch and am motivated to keep learning.


Iā€™m incredibly grateful for the invaluable learning experience Iā€™ve gained, and I owe a huge thanks to MOT and my fellow testers for their support and guidance throughout.


Certainly! Here are some individuals whose work has been particularly influential in shaping my approach to AI in testing:

Influential Figures in AI Testing

Angie Jones - As a senior developer advocate for Applitools and a well-known figure in the software testing community, Angie Jonesā€™ work on AI-powered testing tools and techniques has been incredibly influential. Her insights into the use of AI for test automation, visual testing, and creating resilient test suites have shaped my understanding of the potential applications of AI in testing.

Alan Richardson - Known for his expertise in automation testing and his pragmatic approach to test automation, Alan Richardsonā€™s work on integrating AI tools like TensorFlow and Keras into testing frameworks has been enlightening. His practical examples and tutorials have helped me understand how AI can be used to augment traditional testing approaches.

Many people on this forum have introduced me to so countless AI Testing tools.
It is definitely going to help me with my AI learning and growth this year.


Greetings Everyone!

Firstly thanks to @billmatthews @sarah1 @rosie @simon_tomes and others who kept our motivation to learn and work in AI in testing for the past 28 days. The challenges and the tasks have been very engaging.

I want to mention that I think everyone has come up with something new, their way of explaining things, ideas and insights mentioning every little detail of the task has been incredible.

I have read multiple comments of various people but here is my list of some of the few, whose responses I look for after reading the task.
@parwalrahul - Sir your way of explaining things ā€¦and your efforts in your tasks are commendable.
@poojitha-chandra Maā€™am your way of detailed explanation should be appreciated. Your likes have motivated me. So thank you for that.
@lisboalien Maā€™am your clear way of explanation your thoughts and ideas is what I liked.

Also for those I have not mentioned, thank you so much for sharing your ideas through this course I learned that I am not the only one who is new but everyone is and after taking this course I have come across multiple AI testing tools which I will be using in my daily routine.

So a huge appreciation for the whole Ministry of Testing team.