πŸ€– Day 17: Automate bug reporting with AI and share your process and evaluation

Hey there :raised_hands:

This is a difficult one, but I pretty much tested some tools and saw their reporting on the other tasks.

Most of the AI testing tools β€œeasy to use” are low code tools that you record your testing and keep running them. I tested Mabl, Prefligh from Applitools and some other, and all of them I have the same impression:

  1. The usability for you to record your tests are pretty much the same
  2. The reporting is got, OK to understand
  3. You can kind of reuse some steps, but requires more work.

BUT the impression I have is that when the tests increase too much, the maintenance will be impossible for a small team (or team of one person) even if AI changes the locators for you, or do visual validation.

I think the probability of False Positives and False Negatives are high until the AI get used to the system, so it will last until the next Remodeling of the UI or feature change, if you depend too much on the AI it will be difficult to discover if the test is failing due to something new.

I think that’s it :wink: