πŸ€– Day 8: Craft a detailed prompt to support test activities

You are tasked with testing the sign-up functionality for an online platform similar to the Ministry of Testing (MoT). Create a set of test scenarios to ensure the sign-up process functions correctly and efficiently. Consider various aspects such as user experience, security, and error handling. Your scenarios should cover both typical and edge cases to thoroughly validate the sign-up process.


  1. Basic Sign-Up Process:
  • Description: Test the standard sign-up process without any errors.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
    2. Fill in valid information in all required fields (e.g., name, email, password).
    3. Click on the sign-up button.
    4. Verify that the user is successfully registered and redirected to the dashboard or confirmation page.
  1. Empty Fields Validation:
  • Description: Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed when required fields are left empty.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
    2. Leave one or more required fields empty.
    3. Attempt to submit the form.
    4. Verify that error messages are displayed next to the empty fields indicating that they are required.
  1. Invalid Email Format:
  • Description: Ensure that the system rejects sign-up attempts with invalid email formats.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
    2. Enter an invalid email format (e.g., without β€œ@” or without a valid domain).
    3. Submit the form.
    4. Verify that an appropriate error message is displayed indicating the invalid email format.
  1. Password Strength Validation:
  • Description: Test that the system enforces password strength requirements.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
    2. Enter a password that does not meet the strength requirements (e.g., too short, no special characters).
    3. Submit the form.
    4. Verify that an error message is displayed indicating the password strength requirements.
  1. Unique Email Validation:
  • Description: Ensure that the system prevents sign-up with an email address that is already registered.
  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the sign-up page.
    2. Enter an email address that is already registered in the system.
    3. Submit the form.
    4. Verify that an error message is displayed indicating that the email is already in use.
  1. Confirmation Email:
  • Description: Test that a confirmation email is sent upon successful sign-up.
  • Steps:
    1. Sign up with a new email address.
    2. Check the email inbox for the registered email address.
    3. Verify that a confirmation email is received containing the necessary instructions and verification link.
  1. Security Measures:
  • Description: Ensure that proper security measures are in place during the sign-up process.
  • Steps:
    1. Test for SQL injection attacks by entering SQL commands in the input fields.
    2. Test for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by entering scripts in the input fields.
    3. Verify that the system handles these security threats appropriately and does not allow malicious input.
  1. Performance Testing:
  • Description: Assess the performance of the sign-up process under varying loads.
  • Steps:
    1. Use automated tools or scripts to simulate multiple concurrent sign-up requests.
    2. Measure the response time of the sign-up process under different load conditions.
    3. Verify that the system remains responsive and stable even under peak loads.
  1. Accessibility Testing:
  • Description: Ensure that the sign-up process is accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Steps:
    1. Test the sign-up page using screen readers to verify that all elements are properly labeled.
    2. Verify that users can navigate through the sign-up form using keyboard-only inputs.
    3. Ensure that the color contrast and visual elements meet accessibility standards.
  1. Localization Testing:
  • Description: Verify that the sign-up process functions correctly in different languages and locales.
  • Steps:
    1. Change the language/locale settings of the platform.
    2. Test the sign-up process in the selected language/locale.
    3. Verify that all text, labels, and error messages are displayed correctly and are culturally appropriate.

Convert syntax to BDD
Feature: Sign-up functionality

Scenario: Basic Sign-Up Process
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they fill in valid information in all required fields
And they click on the sign-up button
Then they should be successfully registered
And they should be redirected to the dashboard or confirmation page

Scenario: Empty Fields Validation
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they attempt to submit the form with one or more required fields empty
Then they should see error messages next to the empty fields indicating that they are required

Scenario: Invalid Email Format
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they enter an invalid email format
And they submit the form
Then they should see an appropriate error message indicating the invalid email format

Scenario: Password Strength Validation
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they enter a password that does not meet the strength requirements
And they submit the form
Then they should see an error message indicating the password strength requirements

Scenario: Unique Email Validation
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they enter an email address that is already registered in the system
And they submit the form
Then they should see an error message indicating that the email is already in use

Scenario: Confirmation Email
Given the user signs up with a new email address
When they check their email inbox
Then they should receive a confirmation email containing the necessary instructions and verification link

Scenario: Security Measures
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they attempt SQL injection attacks or Cross-Site Scripting attacks
Then the system should handle these security threats appropriately and not allow malicious input

Scenario: Performance Testing
Given the system is under varying loads
When multiple concurrent sign-up requests are simulated
Then the response time of the sign-up process should be measured
And the system should remain responsive and stable even under peak loads

Scenario: Accessibility Testing
Given the user is on the sign-up page
When they test using screen readers and keyboard-only inputs
Then all elements should be properly labeled and navigable
And the color contrast and visual elements should meet accessibility standards

Scenario: Localization Testing
Given the user changes the language/locale settings of the platform
When they test the sign-up process in the selected language/locale
Then all text, labels, and error messages should be displayed correctly and culturally appropriate

Cucumber data-table format:
Feature: Sign-up functionality

Scenario: Basic Sign-Up Process
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they fill in valid information in all required fields
And | they click on the sign-up button
Then | they should be successfully registered
And | they should be redirected to the dashboard or confirmation page

Scenario: Empty Fields Validation
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they attempt to submit the form with one or more required fields empty
Then | they should see error messages next to the empty fields indicating that they are required

Scenario: Invalid Email Format
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they enter an invalid email format
And | they submit the form
Then | they should see an appropriate error message indicating the invalid email format

Scenario: Password Strength Validation
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they enter a password that does not meet the strength requirements
And | they submit the form
Then | they should see an error message indicating the password strength requirements

Scenario: Unique Email Validation
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they enter an email address that is already registered in the system
And | they submit the form
Then | they should see an error message indicating that the email is already in use

Scenario: Confirmation Email
Given | the user signs up with a new email address
When | they check their email inbox
Then | they should receive a confirmation email containing the necessary instructions and verification link

Scenario: Security Measures
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they attempt SQL injection attacks or Cross-Site Scripting attacks
Then | the system should handle these security threats appropriately and not allow malicious input

Scenario: Performance Testing
Given | the system is under varying loads
When | multiple concurrent sign-up requests are simulated
Then | the response time of the sign-up process should be measured
And | the system should remain responsive and stable even under peak loads

Scenario: Accessibility Testing
Given | the user is on the sign-up page
When | they test using screen readers and keyboard-only inputs
Then | all elements should be properly labeled and navigable
And | the color contrast and visual elements should meet accessibility standards

Scenario: Localization Testing
Given | the user changes the language/locale settings of the platform
When | they test the sign-up process in the selected language/locale
Then | all text, labels, and error messages should be displayed correctly and culturally appropriate

5year old explanation:
Alright, imagine you have a big box of toys, and you want to make sure each toy works perfectly before you play with them. Testing in software is like checking if all the parts of a toy work well. Sometimes, it’s hard for humans to test all the toys because there are so many and it takes a lot of time.

Now, imagine having a robot friend who can help you test all the toys super quickly! That’s what AI (Artificial Intelligence) does for software testing. It’s like having a smart robot friend that can test the software really fast and find any problems or mistakes.

Using AI in software testing is important because it helps us find problems faster, so we can fix them before people use the software. It’s like having a super speedy helper who can check all the toys in the box and tell us if any of them are broken, so we can fix them before we play.