🐤 Day 8: What the Duck?

This year we tried to have fun and earn some cool swag with it.
The ‘What the Duck?’ was born…

Throughout both days, we hid ducks around the venue and instead of a bug hunt we had a duck hunt!
Whoever found the ducks had a choice: keep the duck or swap it for some cool swag at the swag tables.
The BIG duck could be exchanged for an MoT Certification.

Day 8 Task:

  • Go through your TestBash pictures and share a picture of a not-so-hidden duck. You can share it here on The Club, on our brand-new Memories page, or both! :wink:

  • Bonus: let us know what you won! Did you keep the duck or did you swap it for swag and what did you choose?

Why Take Part:

  • Share the Fun: TestBash was not only about learning and networking. It was also about having fun. Let’s keep sharing the fun!
  • Prepare for Next Year: take note of all the places the ducks were hidden and who knows? Maybe next year you’ll be the ultimate duck finder! :sweat_smile:

I kept my little duck and it’s become my coding little buddy :heart_eyes:


Couple of my team found this one :smiley:


I hid this little fella right near the main registration area to the Brighton Dome, for TestBash Brighton 2024.

The photo’s blurry cos I had to be quick dropping it into position to quickly take a snap so no one spotted me doing it. :sweat_smile:

I have a hunch it wasn’t found, yet I might be wrong. :smile:



Here’s another one from the memories page:


Big duck + identity crisis.


I love this! Such a wee cutie too