Defining 'Quality' activity

Introduction: We’ve begun to get a sense that ‘Quality’ isn’t that straight forward and that it can be a tricky thing to measure. So what exactly is ‘Quality’ in this activity we’ll begin to start formalising our ideas around what quality is to help us better understand it.

Purpose: This activity helps to build a more solid idea of what ‘Quality’ is which helps us not only in understanding what ‘Quality’ is but will guide us in our efforts to understand what ‘Quality’ means to other people.


  1. As a group research different definitions of what ‘Quality’ is
  2. Once you’ve collated some definitions, work out as a group how you would define what ‘Quality’ is and share it on this thread. Add the other definitions you found underneath as reference.

Group 2 - Quality is the measurement of the expectations for a product or service, however; quality is also the perceptiveness of the value and importance to the user

Group 1: Quality is a judgement of how excellent something is, based on the end-user and the team’s expectations of the product’s application.