[Exercise]Lesson 7: Mobile App Types Part 2

Welcome Mobile Testing Learners,

this is the topic for exercise 2 for #7 - Mobile App Types. Here is a quick recap of the task scenarios.

Sharing Activity: Create a mind map of possible test scenarios for each app type

  • Use a digital mind map tool and write down possible test scenarios for each app type
  • Share your results with the testing community on the club to create a common understanding of the testing scenarios for each app type

Looking forward to your mind maps.


These are a few major differences that I would be checking between native and web apps. Hybrid will probably need to be checked in both categories.

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Hi Bill,

thanks for sharing your ideas. Thinking about mobile testing use cases there are plenty of more scenarios that might be of interest for every tester.

A while ago I created this cheat sheet, maybe it will help you as well.

Have a great day!

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