Exploring the Future of AI in Testing

What aspect of AI in testing are you most eager to dive next into? :thinking:
Choose :point_down:

:red_circle: Exploring AI-driven test automation tools

:yellow_circle: Understanding AI-based defect prediction models

:large_blue_circle: Implementing AI-powered visual testing techniques

:green_circle: Integrating AI into regression testing workflows

:orange_circle: Other (Please specify)

Let’s see what’s your next AI adventure.


I’d have to go with other: I’m interested in the ethical side of the training of AI models. How do you choose the data so you’re not accidentally introducing bias? Who checks the results? (and if I can get in on that side of testing, I would be quite happy about it). And so on.


:heavy_plus_sign: for what @katepaulk said re: ethics and bias.

I’m also interested in the environmental impact AI is having. :earth_asia: :fire:
Generative AI, in particular.

I’ve researched & written a little on this subject, but there’s a lot that we can’t (lack of transparency) or aren’t, measuring/considering as much as we should. :worried:

If we’re interested, as testers, in the impact that AI-powered products have, on our way of working and role within software development for example, or on our society through bias amplification, then (I think) we should also be considering how this paradigm shift will affect our planet. :v:

It’s a tricky subject and on the one hand I feel that things like ‘Green IT’ and ‘Sustainable Software’ are mostly just forms of greenwashing (and the best solution would be: do not build it), but since I’m already here, in this industry, in this job, and I can’t realistically say ‘let’s stop developing software’ :joy: I’m wondering what other possibilities there are. :upside_down_face:


All the topics mentioned here are equally interesting for me. But perhaps I would like to learn more about the integrating AI into regression testing workflows. Using the project management tools and trying to automate all possible Test Cases for me reached the limit for optimisation of the regression testing. That’s why I’m eager to know about the AI possibilities to help with it. :thinking:

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:red_circle: Exploring AI-driven test automation tools I’m curious about this since I use exploratory testing mostly manually. So surprise me :smiley:



I am a Back-end System Tester, so it would be usefull to know more about Integrating AI into regression testing workflows and Exploring AI-driven test automation tools :robot:, but personally I also wanted to explore AI tools for visual testing.

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Most eager and interesting to learn about AI-driven test automation tools. This tools can support the testing from test case writing to execution and defect prediction. They can cover different scenarios and self correct the existing functionality if required. Also, test data can be generated without any manual intervention and smart tests can be executed with less effort and more quality

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I am more interested in AI roles in visual testing as currently I am relying on SikuliX script for to cover an automation test cases.

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I’m curious if could these prediction models help detect BIAS. Linking with @katepaulk questions

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@katepaulk That’s a fascinating aspect to explore!
Ensuring ethical AI training is crucial to prevent bias and ensure fair outcomes.
It’s great to see your interest in this area, and getting involved in this models sounds like a valuable endeavor. :smiling_face: May your adventures be successful!

@constanceatjetbrains Your perspective is truly thought-provoking.
It’s crucial to consider not only the direct implications of AI on our work and society but also its broader environment footprint. Exploring ways to mitigate this impact within our industry is certainly an important conversation to have.
Thankyou for shedding light on this aspect :dizzy:
May your adventures be successful!

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Thanks @liliia.korablova this workflows indeed offers exciting possibilities for optimizing testing processes. It’s great to hear your interest in this area especially as you’ve already reached the limit of optimization with project management tools. Looking forward to diving deeper into this with you!
May your adventures be successful!

@cicarrageis Exciting choice! This offers vast potential for streamlining your testing process, especially coming from a manual testing exploratory testing bg. I’m confident that delving into AI-powered automation will open up new possibilities and efficiencies in your testing approach.
Let’s embark this journey and uncover its surprise together!!!
May your adventures be successful!

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@indres Great to hear especially considering your role as a Back-end tester. Its impressive to see your eagerness to delve into this!!

@rameshnagilla These tools offers a wide range of capabilities from supporting test case writing to defect prediction. May your adventures be successful!

@kajal That’s a great choice especially if you are currently relying on SikuliX scripts.
May your adventures be successful!

@fermdv AI-based defect prediction models indeed have the potential to help defect bias. Exploring how these predictions models can be leveraged to identify and mitigate bias is definitely an exciting AI adventure.
May your adventures be successful!

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All the choices are great, but I am a bit more eager about the above models as early detection of defects save time/money. In this way, we can build the software which not only meets functional requirements but also exceeds quality expectations.

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