Firefox - Gecko driver compatibility with Mac OS - Catalina

Hello There,
Can someone please let me know if Gecko driver downloaded from : Releases · mozilla/geckodriver · GitHub
can be used for Mac OS catalina ??

Thanks in advance!

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I’m not sure I understand the question.

On the link you provided it says:

Known problems

  • macOS 10.15 (Catalina): Due to the requirement from Apple that all programs must be
    notarized, geckodriver will not work on Catalina if you manually
    download it through another notarized program, such as Firefox.Whilst we are working on a repackaging fix for this problem, you can
    find more details on how to work around this issue in the macOS
    section of the documentation.

You could maybe follow the workaround? I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question.

=> MacOS notarization — Firefox Source Docs documentation

To bypass the notarization requirement on macOS if you have downloaded the geckodriver .tar.gz via a web browser, you can run the following command in a terminal:

> % xattr -r -d geckodriver

Copy to clipboard

A problem with notarization will manifest itself through a security dialogue appearing, explaining that the source of the program is not trusted.

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@kristof : I tried the command and executed but it is giving me DriverConfigurationError : Could not instantiate class org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.
So I would like to check if the gecko driver works in Mac OS with the workaround?

What Firefox version are you currently using?

@kristof : Firefox version 90.0.1

““Could not instantiate class” is pretty much always a driver compatibility issue or a driver bug. Looks like you have an old version of geckodriver, and several incompatible versions of selenium Firefox driver.”

Could you check if everything is up to date?

@kristof I am having Selenium-firefox-driver-3.14.0.jar.I have installed geckodriver using brew install geckodriver.

well I don’t have a mac so I can’t check it ;<
Have you tried creating a on their github?


yeah, waiting for their reply!

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