Hey everyone! Martin from Warsaw Poland : )

Hey, I’m Martin and I’ve been QA for 5+ years. Been manual tester for 3 years, then dabbed in automation for 2 years (was kinda mix of both worlds to be honest) and here I’m being a Test Manager starting this month!

I love the supportive role of QA for other teams and how we can create an environment where people trust their work and code <3. Starting a new responsible role i figured out i would also start exploring communities around testing and having conversations, sharing knowledge and experience with others : ) (not just passive by reading books or doing courses).

Hope to have a healthy habit of discussing everything that is QA : )


All the best Marcin :heart_eyes:

Hello Marcin :wave:
What courses do you take now / planning to take / already took? :blush:

Ehm… was really busy with work and life but have now some breathing air to do training again. Probably want to go back to the basics and probably explore around agile : )

Welcome Martin, you will find everyone here happy to talk all things testing (and other subjects) and eager to help. You have definitely found the best community already :slight_smile:

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