How do you prioritise API tests?

It depends if you are testing a newly build API or already build API.
When you are building a new API it’s easy but when you get dropped into an application which already has tons of API’s. I focus on the Happy Flow & the most common business flow.

After that I tend to go for write operations POST/PUT/PATCH, since there is (most of the time) a lot to test compared to a GET and validate data.

What also is important and I’m glad you liked the test pyramid is to have a chit chat with your developers about what they test so you don’t test the same thing twice.

This might be an interesting topic for you @m.zn : What do you assert on when doing API testing? - #5 by meowy24

  • Response Body
  • Response Time
  • HTTP Status codes (200,201,403,…)
  • Response Headers (security headers, Content Type, etc…)
  • Cookies (if any are present)
  • Cache
  • Authorization & Authentication
  • JWT Tokens

In all cases happy flows & unhappy flows.