How much value do you find in testing-related heuristics?

I find them very useful, especially when I’m on a new project and I don’t have much domain knowledge yet, I try to use common exploratory testing heuristics and try to find any similarities to my previous experiences and try to use that as well.

For example, if I have some data stored in a table and available on the UI, I would try to use common sense to find issues typical for that kind of functionality. The biggest challenge here I think is the fact that you could end up falling a victim to a cognitive bias, where you rely too much on similar past experiences and draw the wrong conclusion, or skip something important.

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Hendrickson’s Cheat Sheet is excellent for this. Her book is even better.


Oh yes! Explore it is excellent, I use it for all my charters!

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I have that as my desktop background to remind me in those occasions I have a little downtime.

My personal favourite is RCRCRC for regression. It helps remind me not to put all the focus on the new functionality and to consider things like the previous bugs that have been fixed and closed down.