How to contribute to open source

I think more testers should be more proactive in contributing to open source projects. Yet I know many testers struggle with how.

I came across this guide which might be useful -


Hey , Rosie

First of all, Contributing to open source is kind of helping the people to test their Software/Product it is not only about writing tons of code. If you’re interested in writing, testing, creating tutorials and articles even this will enhance the product. and It will Build public artifacts that help you grow a reputation.

How to contribute to open source?

  • plan events organize online events / Meetups

  • Help community members to find the right conferences and submit proposals for speaking.

  • restructure layouts to improve the usability of the project.

  • Write and improve the documentation of the project.

  • Write tutorials for the project.

And I found a forum while scrolling .which stands very promising to ask Software Testing related questions.

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