How to seek the status of submitted article?

Hey folks,
Had a question. I had submitted couple of articles as an effort to contribute to this amazing community. But I haven’t yet heard anything back. Any idea how to get a response or whom to contact?
Any help is appreciated.



You should get updates via email if the article was approved and about the next steps. It may take some time depending on when you submitted the article.

In case you have no response for let’s say more than 1-2 months you can try and write to @mwinteringham

Hi @aniketkulkarni

We have received your article submissions on Sunday, I will be reviewing them in next few days and will get back to you directly via email.


@restertest @mwinteringham Thank you for the quick response.
I am new to this community and still learning the ways here. So please let me know if this is not the right way to post the query / enquiry.