Searching for Testers for Product Feedback

I’m not sure this is the right channel for this but I am new to this MoT and just want to make sure that I’m following the rules correctly.

My name is Conor and I’m happy to join the MoT community. I’m currently working on a product to help automate front-end testing. To ensure that we are building something that helps actual testers, I would be keen to have interviews and get feedback from members of the community.

I don’t have any interest in spamming the product, bothering members, or otherwise causing issues, but want to know if it is ok in the course of replying to discussions etc., to ask people if they are open to a user interview for the development of our product.

Any guidance on how to best enjoy this community are greatly appreciated!


Always happy to provide feedback!

Welcome to MoT Conor! :slight_smile:


Ok great, thank you! Looking forward to it.


Nice one, @conorm. Thanks for posting this message to sense-check the rules.

Welcome to the Ministry of Testing community. Folks tend to be up for supporting folks who are building tools.

Here’s what I recommend:

  • Create a topic post in the :hammer_and_wrench: Tools, Frameworks & Platforms category asking for help (you’ll notice I’ve moved this topic post to that category)
  • When commenting on a topic discussion be sure to mention that you’re the founder of your tool, if you happen to mention your tool
  • Don’t send unsolicited direct messages to any community member
  • Get involved in conversations just to be helpful, instead of promoting your tool
  • Start new topic discussions to learn more, not to promote

The Club Guidelines provide important details to be aware of.

Let me know if you need any clarification on any of this. I look forward to seeing you around the community.

Simon, CommunityBoss at Ministry of Testing

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In the meantime, I’ve added to the Ministry of Testing tools directory.

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Hey! That’s great! Thank you for the help :slight_smile:

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