How to test keyboard input

For some reason many threads we have here talk about validating a text box, but never about the manual process of data entry into the text box, of unicodes . I’m particularly on not about just Greek or Cyrillic and fonts, but about how to explore and enter unicodes while understanding what one is doing. My context is a user using your application on Max/Linux/Windows, and the system under test replicating that text data to another machine which may run either of the above operating systems and open/view the text file. I’m assuming English as a system language (with intent to use it as a baseline to back up any input-locale bug cases if ever needed by deep testing the English support).

There are no validation rules at all, but any heuristics on how to run tests using different keyboards as an end-to-end are what I’m looking for guidance on, since the use-case is also UX, so scripting or copy-paste of diacritic marks and accents is not a useful test tool.
Simple data can be entered easily using SHIFT+1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0 to render !"£$%^&*()
And then for example CTRL+ALT+4 to render .
And then for example áéíóú are entered by pressing CTRL+ALT+ a/e/i/o/u
Which works just dandy on Windows, but not on Linux, and is very different to do on mac mechanically.
On mac it’s more intuitive to type áéíóú - you just want to hold down the relevant key for a full second - and a pop-out menu appears like a tooltip. It’s good to note that on MAC, there is more than one way to enter diacritics - there’s a good reference here
It’s also to use the ALT+Keycode technique on Windows too, but that requires a lot more memorization work like so How to Type a Grave Accent Mark on Any Keyboard . Linux is missing from my search here, and there will be more than one favourite way on all the unix platforms too. So how does one go about testing cross platforms “functionally”, but quickly, and gotchas and any techniques you have used?

On most our project this was not needed because all of them were targeting only US market or real users were limited (ex. some services or app for one company).

But on one project we had to/wanted to do this kind of testing, so we were using this.
Believe this one has absolutely all weird strings

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Thanks for the pointer Luka That’s a cool program. There is a wider thread covering Text input validation here How to Test a Text Field

I’m not validating or trying to break any applications, merely verifying the user experience on Mac/Windows/Linux when using their bog standard keyboards, which are all different. So I’m testing E2E, not just the middle bit here, the Naughty string list completely bypasses testing the key-up key-down and multiple-keys-at-once-depressed side of it all actually even works. Which I should have stated, is my actual test case here :slight_smile: