Hello, I’m Artem a technical co-founder of testRigor where you can write your tests in plain English the same way you write your test cases in TestRail.
I’d love to provide the community with an opportunity to ask us any questions regarding the tool.
Let me answer Raghu’s questions right away:
1 - Does it allow us to code in case we need custom functionality also?
If yes, then which programming languages does it support. If no, then is it in your roadmap?
Yes, it does. However, we encourage people to stick to English to improve collaboration
2 - Does it allow us to debug tests, i.e. run them step by step?
Are there any limitations in your debugger like needs too much memory, can be used only for certain parts of the test cases and not the entire test case etc.
Yes, this is how it works by default.
Can we inspect any variables if we need to during debugging?
Yes, of course.
3 - Code or no code, does it have refactoring features?
E.g. Does it allow you to extract a test or its steps and convert them into some kind of reusable utility or test?
Yes. The “code” is plain English plain text. No hidden things. You can literally do find and replace for refactoring. Including RegEx-based find and replace.
And yes, you can create functions which you can give arbitrary names like “Add to cart”.
4 - Does it allow certain tests/“functions” to run before a group of tests just like TestNg?
E.g. Do login before every purchase related test. But, don’t login for product searching tests.
Yes, we do have Before Test Suite and After Test Suite hooks.
5 - What is the format in which you store test cases behind the scenes?
Eg. Java tests would be stored as Java files and class files. So, does it store tests in some proprietary format or common one like json, xml etc. ?
Plain English plain text. Exactly the way you write them. Moreover, you can store it in your own git if you’d like.
6 - How does it handle versioning and test case reviews?
Can we use Git & Github with it?
We are releasing built-in versioning, however you can use your own git and override it via API/command line
7 - Is every or at least major feature well documented?
Does every feature have a link to the documentation for that feature?
Yes, all of them are. Here: testRigor Language Support Documentation - testRigor AI-Based Automated Testing Tool
8 - How do I migrate away from your tool when I need a lot of customization?
Is there any tool which automatically converts the tests into documents or code?
a. You don’t need to migrate away for customization, testRigor is a superset of Selenium+Appium.
b. It is already “code” in a sense, just in a way that makes more sense and saves a lot of time. We have agreements with our paying customers which allows them to get it converted to Selenium if required.
You can use testRigor for free, but the free version doesn’t have it.
9 - Which learning resources do you have for beginners to your tool?
What is the cost of these resources? Do any of these resources cover realistic use cases or just toy examples?
Yes, we have a number of tutorials here: Tutorials - testRigor AI-Based Automated Testing Tool
10 - Do you have any publicly accessible forums where people can ask questions about the tool?
Personally, I’d prefer forums such as stack overflow which are not owned or run by the tool company.
Yes. Here: Newest 'testrigor' Questions - Stack Overflow
11 - Do you have any publicly accessible forum where people can suggest features and bugs, and also see their status?
Here: Newest 'testrigor' Questions - Stack Overflow
12 - How is this tool better than its competitors?
- Non-technical users can quickly build complex tests
- We are the only tool that solves test maintenance problems for good. Our customers spend 200 times less time maintaining testRigor “code” vs what they used to spend on maintaining Selenium for the same tests. Just because the tests are from end-user’s perspective and don’t rely on details of implementation like XPaths/ids/datatestids as in all other tools.
13 - This one is for a user of any tool and not for the tool company.
Do some frequently used features of this tool require too movement with mouse/trackpad?
You can do everything with just a keyboard.