K is for Killer Bugs!
What else?
K is for Killer Bugs!
What else?
Knowledge managenent system
Knowledge is needed to test a mystem prolerly. It can be stored in a wiki, a mind map, or a document.
K - Know about something
K - Kickstart or Kickoff a project or an initiative
K is for Ken’ichi Koyanagi.
Koyanagi is not so well known but should be. He was one of the founding members of the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) and in 1950 he invited W. Edward Deming to address JUSE. John Willis has pointed out the history of ideas in our field can be decribed as Deming - Toyota - Lean - Agile. Koyanagi’s invitation to Deming is a key moment in this history of ideas. All the ‘good stuff’ comes from Deming-Toyota-Lean-Agile. We should remember Koyanagi.
K is for Knowledge Sharing.
Keyboard Accessibility
Kwality checks. You know, for simple things like spelling mistakes.
(sorry, couldn’t help myself. )
K…ristof <3 XD
“who would have expected that”
Kludge. When is a solution too ad hoc and when is it too complex. What can go wrong if you go for the simple solution and what can go wrong if you go for the over-engineered “proper” solution?
K is for ‘Know How’ or ‘Know Where’
Kali Linux
Knowledge base