Lesson 1 - Reflection: Are you ready?

Title: Reflection: Are you ready?

Time: 5-15 minutes

Purpose: To reflect on the skills you have now, and the ones you want to improve, and determine if this course is right for you.

Introduction: At the end of Lesson 1, I asked you to think about your learning journey, and how this course fits in. I challenged you to post here about what youโ€™re most excited to learn and why you want to take this course.


  • Reflect on the skills you have now
    • Do you have the prerequisite knowledge to be successful in this course?
  • Reflect on the skills you want to improve on or add, that this course can help you with
  • Share below what youโ€™re most excited to learn
  • Share below why you want to take this course
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Hi Hilary :smile:

I am most excited to learn about RestSharp and how it can be used to automate API tests.
I want to take this course to gain a solid foundation for testing APIs, and to grow my confidence with working/writing automated API tests.

Thank you.

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Love it @cespi350! Canโ€™t wait to find out how it goes!