Lesson 11 - Applying what we've learned - Refactoring

Title: More refactoring!

Time: 15-45 minutes

Purpose: To further practice refactoring C# and automation code

Introduction: At the end of Lesson 11 (part 2) I challenged you to refactor, either code we didn’t get to or some of the code you have written with some of these “applying what we’ve learned” opportunities.


  • Determine what you would like to refactor:
    • Review the extra code you’ve written for opportunities like we tackled in the lesson. Look for:
      • Duplication (any code you’ve copied/pasted)
      • Magic strings/numbers (like the URLs or IDs)
      • Long methods/classes (look out for separation of concerns)
      • Test data mismanagement
    • Some ideas if you haven’t tackled the opportunities all as yet:
      • Move the PUT check to its own class (like we did with POST and DELETE)
      • Add Setup and Teardown methods for the PUT checks
      • Add Setup and Teardown methods for the GET checks, to control the test data used in the checks
  • Modify your code, and verify all checks still pass
  • Share on this thread:
    • What opportunities for refactoring did you find that weren’t covered in the lesson?
    • Are you stuck anywhere?