Lesson 1: Reflection - What is your motivation for learning Cypress?

Time: 5-10 minutes

Purpose: To ask yourself if this course is right for you and if it is, what is your motivation for learning Cypress?

In this lesson, you will understand what this course is about, who your instructor is, an overview of the prerequisites for this course and lastly, a quick look at what you’ll learn in each of the chapters.


  1. Ask yourself if this course is right for you
  2. Write down and share on the club what your motivations are for wanting to learn Cypress
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  1. I like to learn Cypress as my new job role requires me to learn this testing framework
  2. This course will help me to setup the cypress framework within an existing codebase as well as script tests

:bowing_woman: I think this course is right for me for many reasons.
Cypress is a default automated test framework for many projects.
I need to learn it.
I want to learn it.
I’d like to not only demonstrate what I’ve learned through this course, but apply it directly to a project in the near future. I am looking forward to learning about Cypress through Marie Drake.


I’m excited for you Erin! I really hope you found this course useful :purple_heart:

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I want to review this Cypress course to have a good overview of this tool as I’m using Cypress since more than a year now.
I plan to use immediately my knowledge on Cypress to write better automated tests as Cypress is the preferred automation tool for tests in my enterprise.


I think that this course is awesome for my training. I’m a QA and I want to improve my skills through Cypress, which is useful for many projects!

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My motivation for learning Cypress is that my company is starting to use it and I’m currently manually testing and would love to learn automation in a course type structure and start implementing what I learn directly into my job.