Hey guys!
My company has recently built a tool and it resulted in its own spinoff company! It’s called Apptim and it’s for mobile performance testing.
We saw a need to make client side mobile performance testing easier. Typically, when you think of performance, you think about simulating load on the back end. That’s super important but it’s also necessary to see how your app behaves on the device itself.
What Apptim does is it helps you to measure app render times, power consumption, resource usage, capture crashes and more on both Android and iOS devices.
It allows you to start a test session, explore your app, record bugs and attach screenshots/ videos and push them to JIRA. At the end of the test session, it generates a report filled with app performance metrics that you can share with the developer who can use that information to improve performance.
While you can also use Android Studio and Instruments, Apptim works for both iOS and Android and it also allows you to compare different test sessions, so you can see performance trends in your app, and learn how a code change impacts performance.
We are in the public beta stage, with a free plan and a premium plan that comes with a free trial.All plans offer unlimited tests.
Please, try it and share with us your feedback! I’m also very happy to answer any questions.
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Here is the link to sign up - www.apptim.com
I am interested in, I’m in the middle of (initial stages to be fair) doing a test F/W re-spin right now (using Appium) so I’m at a good point to integrate a new tool into the stack, because the current stack is possibly a bit dated, not worth adding to it anymore. We use predominantly Python, for everything and have some JS expertise, what are the things I’m going to want to know about if I want to look at apptim that the website is not going to tell me?
Can I use it to run some of my existing automated tests without having to do all the cloudFarm VPN setting up for example?
Hi Conrad! Sorry, I don’t check my notifications here often enough.
So, the VPN set up is not necessary to use our solution with automated tests like Appium, unless this is a requirement for the app/tests to run. If the app can be packaged and installed in any device, that’s all we require. If there are more specific requirements from your side, we can help and discuss!
The way we provide these capabilities is through a CLI tool that is multi-platform (can be installed in Linux, Win or Mac) and run in CI/CD using real devices (+150 different Android and iOS to choose from)
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No worries, when you are the only tester in your team everything happens slowly anyway.
I think I need to take VPN into account as I design, because obviously the test infrastructure itself is not accessible to the public networks at all, so my instrumentation in the Application where we rely on test hooks (a phone-home connection built into our debug binaries only) to make testing the app much easier and less dependent on fragile GUI changes for example, won’t work in a test farm. Whether that limits the classes of tests I might run in the test farm or not will need some pondering I guess. Right now I’m re-writing a lot of our test infra, so I have a chance to make this kind of change
I am hoping that a planned office move does not leave me with too little space. Everyone is moving to smaller offices now that pandemic has spoiled us. So using a test farm is going to be more attractive to me after we move into smaller offices.
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