Manual Tester to Automation Tester or UI/UX Designer

Hi Community,

Hope all are doing amazing? I am new in this community I have joined recently. I am Manual QA Engineer in American-based company. Having 3 years of experience, I am an e-commerce test specialist who worked on e-commerce projects based on Salesfocre Demandware. I have been jobless for 1 year. I have no experience of SQL or database testing or even worked on automation, I want to learn automation but i am facing a lot of issues because I am not good in coding logics I am feeling so bad and hopeless How can I overcome coding logics as a tester? Please help me. I really want to be a good automation tester. I have learnt Jmeter and Rest Assured basics but am not good at building coding logics.

So I have started Java series and doing practice on Coding Bat. Here I faced many challenges; my mind did not click well enough to even write a simple coding logic. I used pen paper too; always it took 3 hours or 2 or 3 days to solve the puzzle, logic building taking so many days, months, or years I don’t know. I am really worried about what to do, how to learn, how to build logic, and how I will crack the automation interview. Please guide me, as there are many mind-blowing testers in the community.

So I am also learning UI/UX designing at Figma and thinking of shifting my career from QA to UI/UX designer due to being so poor in coding logics. Please suggest anyone if there is any or know anyone who shifted his/her career from QA to UI/UX designer.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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Honestly if you think UI/UX will be easier than testing than that isn’t the case. Even in UI/UX lots of creativity is required specially during the color combination, you need to good at reading stakeholders mind that what they want to see through their requirments.

Not discouraging you but somewhere design jobs is as much tough as testing, even in that you need to continously upskill yoruself.

If you are facing challenge in automation then atleast keep trying, it is better than giving up. Maybe initially you may take 2-3 days but as you progress things will be better for you.

As far as roadmap for automation is concerned, so automation with java has more scope and opening as compared to Python and C# and on top of that UI Automation has more opportunities as compared mobile and api automation.

As you said you have 3 years of experience so there are lots of youtube channels, pick that and start with basic of java.
One topic at a time, if you pick variables or data types then before moving to next topic have enough practice on the first topic. Don’t plan for whole automation at once, plan for baby step at a time as it will make the things simpler.
Even on MOT you can find lots of resources that can help you in automation. Then there is this website : from which you can take reference for roadmap.
You will face challenge in design job as well but if you continue in testing, you can do better as you already have 3 years of experience. May be you don’t have knowledge of SQL, Database or automation but atleast you have learn something in 3 years of testing that you can utilize further in your testing joruney.