My new book "Writing API Tests with Karate" is now on preorder

Hello all,

I hope it is ok to add this here as I am quite proud of it. If this does not fit here, please let me know and I will move or delete it.

I spent the last half year writing a complete book on API testing with Karate, my favorite API test framework. It is 326 pages long and contains the following chapters:

  1. Introducing Karate’s Core Concepts
  2. Setting up your Karate project
  3. Writing Karate tests
  4. Running Karate tests
  5. Reporting and logging
  6. More advanced Karate features
  7. Extending Karate functionality
  8. Karate in Docker and CI/CD pipelines
  9. Karate UI for browser testing
  10. Performance testing with Karate Gatling

It can be preordered here:


Congrats on your book release and for sharing here, @bischoffdev. :tada:


congratulations @bischoffdev :sparkles::tada::confetti_ball:! that’s a wonderful news to see many new entries to the community :tada:


Update! The book is now published and available!

More info here: My book "Writing API Tests with Karate" | Softwaretester Blog

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