New article "The Test Drama (The Opening Salvo): Cypress vs. Playwright Installation - The Good, The Bad, and the... Bug-ly!"

QA fellows,

I am truly excited to share with you my first article, “The Test Drama (The Opening Salvo): Cypress vs. Playwright Installation - The Good, The Bad, and the… Bug-ly!” of my new Cypress vs. Playwright series.

It discusses and compares all the existing installation processes available to create a brand new test framework with each of these two products.

I’ve also included my insights in the article, striving to remain as impartial as possible.

It also includes the open source Cypress plugin cye2e created by Ademola Bhadmus.

If there are any mistakes in the content or in the way I’ve presented the information and my opinions, I sincerely apologize. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with the correct information.

I really hope you find it both enlightening and engaging!



Thanks so much for posting! Excited to read this!