The Test Drama: Cypress vs. Playwright - Control Your Tests (Part 1): ANNOTATIONS & GROUP TESTS

Hi there!
I just published my second article in the Cypress vs. Playwright series, titled “The Test Drama: Cypress vs. Playwright - Control Your Tests (Part 1): ANNOTATIONS & GROUP TESTS”.

I have to tell you… I thought this would be a quick article to write (it’s just annotations and suites, right?), but believe me, when I started digging into all the nitty-gritty details of this subject in BOTH test frameworks, a lot of stuff surfaced!

I strongly recommend you read it because not only will you understand the differences between both frameworks as discussed in the article, but you’ll also learn in fine detail how to do it for both of them!

A second part covering Tags and Test Filters is already in the works and promises to be even more intense than the first part.



Even though I recently studied this from Automation using Playwright | BigBinary Academy
I’ll give this a read to compare what I learnt :slight_smile:

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This site you pointed out seems pretty comprehensive for Playwright.
Definitelly I will have a look.
Thanks for sharing!

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Just finished reading this. Great insights about the test annotations and nested describe blocks!
I must say I liked cypress’ context() terminology better than playwright’s describe inside describe which can look a bit confusing. idk maybe its just me :sweat_smile:
I would definitely want to see more use cases of test annotations as in when to use them, when to remove them etc.
For now the test suite I work on doesn’t really actively use the .skip .fail flags which I think makes more sense in teams that have a solid process in place which dependent on UI automation.
I once had an auditor tell me the UI automation should happen in a unit testing manner. Maybe the dots connect here? :joy:

What do you usually use @hananurrehman , Cypress or Playwright?
Glad you find it insightful.

@sebastianclavijo I use playwright.

Sorry for the double reply, I sent the earlier one via email and didn’t notice my signature got sent too :sweat_smile: