One line of code that did cost $8,000 profile photo

A story of what a bug cost:


On the flip side, major kudos for both explaining the issue and taking full responsibility for it. Thatโ€™s something that customers will remember in the future.

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Iโ€™m a bit sad that he doesnโ€™t mentions testing at all, which is imo part of the problem.
Someone testing the auto-updater could have found that in minutes. Maybe even more accidentally then by intensional looking.
Monitoring my network traffic would be a thing I would do testing an updater. Then this should show up fast.

Most points of his summary sound helpful, but more like workarounds. Looking for symptoms rather then getting to the core problem of not having sufficiently tested.
โ€œforced update that will install without asking the user.โ€ This one sounds really bad to me. Also I guess he will not need it soon. If ever.

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What a story! :slight_smile:
That happens when you donโ€™t monitor stuff #ShiftRight

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